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Moths in Fiji

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December 2024 In Gelechiidae, Thiotrichinae, further examination has shown that the specimens identied as Thiotricha strophiacma Meyrick should in fact be symphoracma Meyrick.
March 2024 A new species have been identified and added to the site. In Yponomeutidae Callithrinca niphopyrrha Meyrick.
January 2023 Three new species have been identified and added to the site. In Depressariidae Agriophara salinaria, Meyrick does not appear to have been recorded from Fiji, having been described from the Solomon Islands. In Tortricidae Phricanthes flexilineana, (Walker) has a wide distribution, but also does not appear to have been recorded from Fiji. In Gelechiidae, Thiotricha strophiacma, Meyrick was described from Samoa, but also does not appear to have been previously recorded from Fiji
September 2020 The genus Imma has been reviewed, including a new species. This is described in Clayton, 2020. The references page has been updated.

Clayton, J.A. 2020. Notes on the genus Imma Walker (Lepidoptera: Immidae) from Fiji with the description of a new species. Aust. Ent. 47(3): 162-168.
June 2019 The genus Ptochosiphla has been reviewed, including a new species. This is described in Clayton, 2019.

Clayton, J.A. 2019. Notes on the endemic Fijian genus Ptochosiphla Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Hypeninae) from Fiji with the description of a new species. Aust. Ent. 46(2): 57-63.
February 2018 The genus Nola has been reviewed, including a new species. This is described in Clayton, 2018.

Clayton, J.A. 2018. Notes on the genus Nola Leach (Lepidoptera: Nolidae: Nolinae) from Fiji with the description of a new species. Aust. Ent. 45(1): 27-38.

October 2017 Two new species have been added to the Tortricidae. They are described in Clayton, 2017, which also contains a general survey of my Tortricidae records.

Clayton, J.A. 2017. Notes on the Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Fiji with descriptions of a new species and a new subspecies. Aust. Ent. 44(3): 121-132.

April 2017 Latest changes are some more additions to the Tortricidae as I have identified more species.
January 2017 Recent changes refer mainly to the Tortricidae. After some early identifications of better known species, I have returned to this family and added quite a number of further species which have now been identified. I am continuing to work on this area, and hope to add to this list shortly. I have also added a few species in the Nolidae.
August 2016 Recent changes refer to the Pyraloidea. I have added a few more species with their pictures, and there are two specific areas I have worked on:

The genus Thalamorrhyncha Meyrick (Pyralidae). The correct taxonomy for the two species I have recorded is confused, and until I am able to sort this out, I have tried to explain the situation in the relevant taxonomic notes for these species (T. isoneura Meyrick and T. zalorrhoa Meyrick).

A major exercise has been looking at the Acentropinae (Crambidae). Four new species have been described, and some new generic combinations introduced (Clayton, 2016). These have all now been added to the site.

Clayton, J.A. 2016. The genera Eoophyla Swinhoe and Nymphicula Snellen (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Acentropinae) in Fiji with descriptions of four new species. Aust. Ent. 43(3): 135-150.
April 2016 Minor updates. A few new species and new pictures added.
February 2015 A fairly substantial update to the website, with two main areas of chenge.

I have brought the higher classification up to date, and included sub-families. This means that quite a lot of species will now appear in different families. A major change is that introduced by Zahari ei al, 2012. They developed the concept of the Erebidae, which now includes many sub-families previously included in the Noctuidae. It also includes the former families Arctiidae and Lymantriidae.

I have previously ignored sub-species, but this has now been rectified with their inclusion. I have now added most established sub-species. The search facility will now also find sub-species names.

ZAHARI, R., HOLLOWAY, J.D., KITCHING, I.J., LAFONTAINE, D., MUTANEN, M. and WAHLBERG, N. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics of Erebidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) Systematic Entomology 37: 102-124.

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