Host plant records
A few larvae which were found were raised to produce adults. These records are listed below. I am not a botanist, especially where the Fiji flora is concerned, so please accept the plant names as best efforts!
Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton GRACILLARIIDAE
Two adults were raised from mines on Citrus limon (Lemon) from Suva in 1991.
Phodoryctis caerulea (Meyrick) GRACILLARIIDAE
Thirty adults were raised from mines on Vigna marina from Deuba and Vigna sesquipedalis (Longbean) from Suva in 1991 and 1992.
Agonoxena argaula Meyrick ELACHISTIDAE
One adult was raised from a web on on the upper surface of a leaf of Xanthosoma sagittifolium (dalo ni tana) from Suva and one adult from a pupa in a web on the upper surface of a leaf of Cyperus aromaticus (Navua sedge) from Pacific Harbour, both in 1991.
Capua endocypha Meyrick TORTRICIDAE
Two adults were raised from larvae on Rhizophora samoensis from Tailevu in 1994.
Haritalodes adjunctalis (Swinhoe) CRAMBIDAE
One adult was raised from a larva on Merremia peltata from Tailevu in 1993.
Phazaca cythera (Swinhoe) URANIIDAE
Two adults were raised from larvae on Mussaenda raiateensis from Savura Creek in 1994.
Anomis involuta Walker EREBIDAE
Five adults were raised from larvae on Cammersonia bartramia, two from Savura Creek in 1991 and three from Serua in 1993.
Chasmina tibialis (Fabricius) NOCTUIDAE
Two adults were raised from larvae on Commersonia bartramia, one from Savura Creek in 1991 and one from Serua in 1993.
Chrysodeixis illuminata (Robinson) NOCTUIDAE
Three adults were raised from larvae on Piper aduncum from Savura Creek in 1991.